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Preparation And Approval Of Organogram Employee Profile And Job Responsibility

Organogram of department / blocks shall be prepared by respective Incharge in the format noxxxxx All departments organogram shall be approved by GM- Operation or designee, except Quality unit.
Quality Unit operations of independent of production and fulfills both quality assurance (QA) and quality control (QC) responsibilities. The quality unit is in the form of separate QA and QC units. Employee profile and job responsibilities of all personnel should be specified in writing as per format no. xxxxx
Head of the concerned department shall define the job responsibilities of the personnel and explain the same to the personnel working in the department. Acceptance shall be taken from the concerned personnel for the allotted responsibility and shall be approved by concerned Head of the department.
VP- Operations / Designee shall approve employee profile and Job responsibilities of the heads of the Quality Assurance and Plant Incharge.Plant head shall approve employee profile and Job responsibilities of all other departments’ heads. Organogram and employee profile and job responsibilities shall be revised as and when required.
Organogram, Job Responsibility, production, personnel


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